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American Standard Optical Storage Hybrid Split Phase Inverter (Battery Voltage: 48V)

Product Details

Friendly and flexible
Stand-alone bypass with load capacity 100A
Supports parallel connection of multiple machines, maximum parallel connection can be up to 8 units
Supports parallel connection mode for multiple machines sharing a common battery pack
safe and reliable
UL1741:2021, IEEE1547.1.
UL1699B, South Africa NRSO97-2-1:2017 Testing and Certification
Reverse battery protection, compatible with anti-reverse current function
integrated photovoltaic storage
Integrates PV and energy storage, supports multiple batteries
Integrated EMS Intelligent Energy Management System
Supports simultaneous access to diesel and utility power
Supports parallel SOC equalization control and parallel equalization control
Split-phase topology eliminates transformers for higher system efficiency

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